Easter Celebration

We celebrated Easter in Indy this year. Ben and I planned a trip to Florida for our 10 year anniversary and were planning to drop off the kids in Indy anyway, so we extended our trip to include Easter weekend as well. Of course, holidays are always crazy in Indy, but we managed to visit all of our family and keep our sanity and give thanks to Jesus for what he did for us.

Easter morning we went to church at our old Indy Grace church and then met my dad and sister for brunch afterwards.

A long wait in line meant a good opportunity for Easter morning photos!

After brunch we headed to my Nanni and Poppi's house for more Easter basket fun. We got the kids baskest, my grandma got the kids baskets and Ben's parents got the kids baskets... I think they are just a bit spoiled!!

So thankful for this lady who still hosts are entire family and cares for my grandpa. She is such a great example of what a Godly woman looks like.

The best we could do on Easter... better luck next year!

And a few videos of the hunt... love being all together with my family!
