Advent Activities

 Another Advent full of lots of fun and activities. I didn't take pictures of everything, but as you can see, we were pretty busy this december! We also do a little advent reading every night that is a sweet time for our family to connect and remember why we are celebrating Christmas.

Hank's preschool Christmas Party:
 I forget exactly what we were supposed to do on this day, but we rearranged things because it had snowed and went sledding, followed by snuggles by the fire with puzzles and snacks. This was one of my favorite days!
 We made gingerbread houses with friends!

 Lucy had her class Christmas party and decorated gingerbread houses at school...

 We decorated Christmas cookies with our life group (which turned out just to be one other family, thank goodness, because that was chaotic enough!)
We decorated for Christmas - and I got a peaceful picture of our mantle...

We went and cut down our own Christmas tree...


How most Advent activities ended up... with a lot of tears and a lot of sass...
 Had to capture this moment, because while we do have a lot of fun together, we also have a lot of the above craziness... it's real life!

We had fondue by the fire...
 We visited Santa (and got free donuts!)
 We went to Tuba Christmas... (another one of my favorites!!)
 Made popcorn and cranberry garland... a new tradition and I think it's a keeper!

 Made homemade donuts...

 Decorated snowflakes!

 Went to Hank's preschool Christmas program and had a fancy dinner beforehand... (more on that in a separate post)

 We got window decals and decorated one morning...

We walked to get hot chocolate... something we've done the past couple years, but Starbucks moved locations this year so we had a bit further to walk this time. This was another activity that ended with lots of tears and time outs... better luck next year!!
