June 6 Months

 I didn't do June's traditional photo shoot this month - I took so many pictures of her on the Fourth of July, I decided to be efficient and use those pictures here! 

June at 6 Months:
-Is sitting up like a pro! Although I still would  not leave her alone because she usually ends sitting with a roll to the side or falling backwards
-Is moving around! She isn't crawling, but she's rolling and squirming and doing her best to get places.  She will get up on all fours, but doesn't go anywhere from there
-Loves putting everything in her mouth.  She will reach out for my face and pull me towards her and then give me a big, open-mouthed kiss right on the nose
-Loves watching her brother and sister
-Squeals and laughs at Lucy and Hank all the time
-Is so interactive and engaging and fun to play with 
-Has started showing some signs of "stranger danger", sometimes crying when I hand her to someone, or just not smiling at strangers.  Although she usually does great when I drop her off at the church nursery.
-Takes 2 good naps a day and one shorter nap (same schedule as last month)
-Has started the de-swaddle, de-pillow process.  I was started to notice that June wasn't consistently sleeping great anymore, so I took the pillows out of her crib and have 1 arm out of her swaddle and so far she is doing great.  I definitely think her nap length has shortened a bit, but she is still sleeping pretty good. 
-Night sleep is all over the board.  I've started refusing to feed her before 3am... some nights this means she's fussing from 1-3am on and off, some nights we don't hear a peep out of her till 3 or 4am... Once both arms are out of the swaddle, I'm hoping we can rely on her to get her pacis back in on her own and go in a lot less.  We have stopped going in as much this month, but I feel bad leaving her completely alone in the crib since she's still semi-swaddled.
-Continues to be really easy going during the day, only fussing right before she is ready to lay down for a nap.
-Is offered solids at most meal times, but only eats randomly.  Some days she will eat 1-2 really good meals, and some days she will eat nothing.  She's still all over the board.
-Got her first two teeth! 
-Visited the dermatologist for the 2nd time.  We have stopped treatment on her hemangioma because it wasn't doing anything.  The doctor feels pretty confident that it will go away on it's own, but we will reassess when she is 2.5 or 3 and decide if we want to have it removed by laser.  We get questions about it a lot, but I'm not too bothered by it.  The doctor did say that if it hasn't gone away when she's older and she notices people looking at it, that is good enough reason to have it removed because it can affect the way her personality grows and develops.

Height - 25.9in (52%), Weight - 15lb 1oz (29%), Head - 41.5cm (28%)


  1. I can't believe she's already 6 months... you have survived a half a year as a mom of THREE kids 4 and under :) Way to go!


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