It's been a little over two weeks since we brought June home and we've been doing a lot of this...
and this...
and some more of this...
and a little more of this...
So far June has been a pretty easy going baby - especially compared to what I remember of Hank's newborn days. She nurses about every 2-3 hours during the day (although I find I am often waking her to eat during the day) and every 3-4 hours at night.
I'm not going to lie, I had been dreading these newborn days most of my pregnancy, but now that June is here I realize I was really dreading having a fussy newborn who didn't sleep at night. Although I am up throughout the night feeding June, she usually goes back to sleep pretty easily between feedings so I haven't really felt exhausted this time around. That combined with the fact that I know this will probably be the last newborn in our home has made me appreciate each moment (even the crying and the holding all day and the up all night times) with June even more than I did with Lucy and Hank.
June definitely reminds me a lot of what
Lucy was like as a newborn, although Lucy might have been a little
even more easy going (not sure if I'm remembering correctly). She is a
slow nurser (like Lucy), so I do find myself spending a lot of time
feeding her - she usually nurses for 30-45 minutes each time.
She goes to sleep pretty easily during the day, but I have noticed she wakes about half way through most of her "naps" and needs help getting back to sleep. This reminds me a lot of Hank, although she doesn't take as much "work" to get back to sleep. Like the other two babies she is already pretty predictable - nurse, little awake time, sleep (usually for 2 hours, with a good rocking right around the 1 hour mark).
She does take a paci, but doesn't need it a ton and usually falls asleep without one. And fortunately she seems to really like her car seat. She actually usually ends up spending one full nap in the car seat because of preschool or other errands we are running and she doesn't typically make a peep the entire time.
When not in her car seat she usually takes her other naps downstairs laying on the boppy pillow - mostly so she can be close to us.
In her first few weeks, my mom visited and Katy visited, and we received lots of meals from our small group and neighbors and friends (both Indy and Akron)- we have been really supported out here in Akron!
June had her first bath. Our evenings seem to be pretty crazy, so I decided to attempt her first bath while Ben was at work. It went pretty well, except for my iPhone ending up in the tub at the end of it all.
Surprisingly we've made it out of the house a few times! Here we are on an outing to the mall play place...
I also took the kids to an open gym play time at the YMCA and we've done Lucy's preschool drop off several times now.
Hank and Lucy have been fascinated with my breast pump.
Lucy is obsessed with her sister. Hank likes June a lot too, but lucy
is constantly wanting to hold her and help me do everything with her -
get her dressed, change her diaper, carry her, etc. And she would do
more with her but I've had to explain about a million times that June is
too young to walk, too young to talk, too fragile, and needs to take a
lot of naps. Lucy wants to hold her so much and June is awake so
little, it's gotten to the point that as soon as I stop nursing I hand
her over to Lucy to let them "play" until June has to sleep. For the
most part, it's nice having this extra helper around :)
It has been super snowy and super cold so we've spent a ton of time inside the house. And here's what happens when you stay inside too long...
Love my middle princess :)
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