Visitors Round 2

We have been so blessed these past few months! I think we just finished off hosting our 6th set of visitors this summer.  Having so many friends and family come from Indy has really helped make Akron feel like home... I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous to experience a full month of being in Akron with no guests (which unfortunately I think will happen in December when we are stranded in Akron in for the holidays... wah wah). We've loved having visitors and on top of getting to spend quality time with some of our favorite people it's also helped us get out and about to explore the town (and motivated me to keep our house clean!)
Two weeks after the Ravensbergs left my friend Courtney and her little man, Gavin came out to visit (Beth was supposed to join but had to deal with an emergency home repair... we missed you Beth!).  We fit in a trip to an apple orchard, a girls night out for dinner, and lots of relaxing and playing with the kids.  Thanks for making the trip out to visit us Court!!!
Two weeks after that Katy came to stay with me while Ben was in New York celebrating his 30th birthday with his best friends Ryan and Sean...
We missed Ben a lot, but I was so thankful to have Katy in town to not only help with the kids but also keep me company... I would have been really sad with him gone had she not been here!  We jammed in a lot to Katy's stay - Katy had turned 30 the week before so I wanted to do things I knew Katy would love while also showing her around Akron.  Our weekend included brunch at an adorable, local restaurant... grocery shopping at a high-end local grocery store for make your own pizza ingredients..
A 50 minute drive to Chagrin Falls to get Katy's favorite ice cream...

Watching the Akron Marathon that went right by our street...

And a trip to a pumpkin patch!  We were busy... but also fit in some down time at home watching Pitch Perfect, eating some yummy squash soup, and catching up on our gossip magazines. A perfect weekend!

June! I finally got another baby bump picture... she's still kicking away inside me! Crazy doing this the third time around... pregnancy is definitely not top of mind these days.

And finally, our most recent visitors were Rebekah and Nathan.  They came over after visiting some friends in Columbus, so our weekend was a bit shorter, but we still fit in an apple festival, church and lots of catching up (which we had a lot of to do since Rebekah is due one week before me with a baby girl!)

 Thanks to Rebekah and Nathan for driving out to visit us!
