Fouth of July - Akron Style

We did a couple fun things here in Akron on the Fourth of July, but overall celebrating our first holiday away from family and friends (and in a hotel) felt pretty lonely.  But, we did try to make the most of it! We went to a rib festival in downtown Akron, went to a parade in Fairlawn, grilled steak in our hotel courtyard, and went berry picking after church on Sunday.  I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here are a few... 
 Lucy watching the parade.

We discovered this weekend that everything in Akron is a lot less crowded than it is in Indy.  For both the festival and parade we planned to get there early and have trouble parking, but both events were a breeze to get in and out of.  Everything is just a little smaller in Akron.

The people we sat next to at the parade were so friendly and nice (much like most people here in Akron) and made us feel very welcome to the area!
Hank and Ben picking berries.

Like most of the activities we have done here in Akron, Hank was pretty cranky for berry picking. Since he hasn't gotten into a good sleep groove yet, he is usually pretty sleepy and grumpy when we are out and about (and close to nap time).  But again, we tried to make the most of it!  
Lucy seemed to really enjoy finding and picking (and eating!) the berries.
