Catching Up - Goofy Kids

 I think these posts are also from the past several weeks... all random pictures of the kids, being their goofy, awesome selves...
Bought a Halloween costume on clearance... guess who had to wear it all day?

Trying on Great Grandma Emily's glasses
Sad that Graham (our neighbor) wasn't home to play
After missing my keys for 2 weeks, one day Lucy pops up and says "here's your keys mom!"... she had put them in her "purse"... stinker
1 year Dr.'s appt.
Wearing new PJ's Hank got for his birthday... goofy girl...
Reindeer present from Grandpa!

You might also notice Lucy's eclectic outfit choices in the above pictures.  Girl has got a thing for dressing her self lately... and that's a battle this mom is not willing to fit.  Some days we go to the store with bathing suit bottoms over our pants... and that's ok.
